It’s been quite the hiatus while I focused on getting back to me. I’d say I’m sorry about that, but really, I needed it.
So… what’s up? How’ve you been? How’s the family?
Guess you might want to know the same, huh? Here’s the highlights:
- Summer 2015: started preparing to put house on market to move to Florida and start over. Very much needed to hit that reset button.
- October 2015: lost Marcia to suicide. I still don’t know how time managed to roll on.
- Halloween 2015: #PeaceOutPA became official; moved to Florida

- November 2015: divorce finalized (finally!)
- May 2016: gallbladder rebelled. Gallbladder evicted. (I always seem to have to have a medical problem)
It’s been pretty good since the gallbladder came out. Learned a lot about people. Learned a lot about how I should be treated. Cut quite a few people out. Not interested in keeping folks in my life who only want to be friends when it’s convenient for them.
I met a fella before the gallbladder incident who was a fellow Florida transplant. He quickly became one of my best friends and has been one of my most vocal supporters. He’s the one who convinced me to get back into crafting. So here we are.
Perfect Imperfection is back – with knitting, sewing, and geek design.
- The Etsy shop is up and running: evzgeekdesign
- and Instagram: evzgeekdesign
- and Facebook: evzgeekdesign
So stay tuned. is slowly getting a facelift.
Because, you know what?
